Posts Tagged library

…goes to the public library (Part 1)

My absolute favorite thing about my Nook (and the main reason I bought it) is that it allows me to download books from my local library system.  I am fortunate enough to live in King County, WA and our library does offer e-books downloads through a subscription service call Overdrive. This brings me much happiness as I was a pretty avid library user before I got my Nook. And now me and the library are BFFs (best friend forever).

Here’s how it works at my library:
I get to checkout up to 20 books at a time for 3 weeks, which is just like checking out books from the bricks and mortar library (and you must have a library card setup in advance). The great thing about it is that when my 3 weeks are up, I don’t have to do a thing and my books automatically check themselves back in. That’s right – NO MORE OVERDUE FINES.

The Nook doesn’t connect directly to the library. I have to download the e-book to my home computer, plug in my Nook with the USB, and drag the book into my Nook. That was the high-level overview, getting setup is a little harder than that, but in Part 2 of this series, I’ll walk you through those steps.

Go to your Library’s website to see if they offer e-books:
Your libary’s website should have information on the home page that will let you know if they offer e-books downloads or not. For example, King County Library System has a “Downloads” link at the top of the home page.

Downloads on KCLS

My mom lives in Colorado Springs, CO  and she uses the Pikes Peak Library District. On her library’s web page, you can find e-books on the CyberShelf:

Download e-books from PPLD

And if you can’t figure it out from the home page, you can ask your librarian.

If you’re impatient and you have to know RIGHT NOW and you can’t figure out if your library offers e-books from their website, you can do a little research (and I do mean little). Now, I’m not sure about all the libraries in the whole United States of America, but most libraries subscribe to an online service called Overdrive.

To check to see if your library uses Overdrive, go to and enter your zip code.

You’ll get a list of local libraries near your zip code. If libraries from your public library system show up in the list, then you’re in luck and your library offers e-books. And you too can have much happiness. However, you CAN’T download directly through Overdrive. You still need to go through your library’s website to checkout and download books.

In Part 2 of this series, I’m going to walk you through the steps to setting up your home computer to download e-books and then successfully downloading your first book.

~The Happy Nooker

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…does Introductions

Sorry to disappoint, but this isn’t a dirty website. No, this is just a tongue-in-cheek name for one Nook enthusiast’s attempt at humor.

I decided to start this blog because I can’t believe that so many of my friends haven’t figured out how to do all the cool stuff that you can do with a Nook — like hooking up with your local library to checkout FREE BOOKS! Yes, free e-books for your Nook from most public libraries.

Here are the goals for this blog:

  1. Help the average computer user get the most from their Nooks. (I won’t be teaching you how to root your Nook here.)
  2. Do product reviews and give my (humble) opinion on the Nook and Nook accessories.
  3. Dig up answers to pressing Nook user questions.

As I’m just getting started, my blog’s look will most-likely change. But I was so eager to get started ASAP, I figured the Spartan look is vogue.

Keep me on my toes and let me know how I’m doing.

~The Happy Nooker

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