
Sorry to disappoint you, but this isn’t a dirty website. No, this is just a tongue-in-cheek name for one Nook enthusiasts attempt at humor. I decided to start this blog because I can’t believe that everyone else in the world hasn’t figured out how to do all the cool stuff that you can do with a Nook like hooking up with your local library to get checkout FREE BOOKS! Yes, free e-books for your Nook from most public libraries.

Here are the goals for this blog:

  1. Help the average computer user get the most from their Nooks. (I won’t be teaching you how to root your Nook here.)
  2. Do product reviews and give my (humble) opinion on the Nook and Nook accessories.
  3. Dig up answers to pressing Nook user questions.

Keep me on my toes and let me know how I’m doing.

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